Most people with cats have had the experience of trying to get one into a carrier for transport. A cat that is otherwise perfectly agreeable can turn into an angry, hissing mass of claws and teeth in about two seconds flat. However, there are times when you may need to take your cat somewhere, and a carrier is the safest way to do that, with the lowest risk that your feline friend will escape and get lost. Believe it or not, it is possible to train your cat to get into and ride calmly in a cat carrier.
Routine veterinary visits may be avoided if an owner can't get their cat into a carrier. Learn why it's important to take your cat to the veterinarian regularly in "Why Should I Take My Cat to the Vet?"
The first step in preparing your cat to take peaceful rides is choosing the right carrier. You should get a carrier that is made for the purpose of transporting pets. Using a laundry basket or a box isn't a safe way to move your cat from place to place; she probably won't feel secure, and she could easily get lost or get in your way while you're driving.
Hard and soft carriers are both good options for carrying cats. Soft carriers are lighter and easier to carry. Hard carriers are sturdier and can usually be taken apart, which will help if your cat is reluctant to get out of the carrier once you reach your destination. Sherpa Original Deluxe, and the Catit Design Cabrio
carriers are great ones and are even good for airplane travel.
Be sure to choose a carrier that opens from both the side and the top so you have options for loading and unloading your cat.
You can find more information about how to choose a cat carrier in this informative article: "Choosing A Cat Carrier."
In order to ensure calm loading and transporting in the carrier, it's important that your cat feels comfortable and secure around and in it. These feelings may take some time to develop. When you first acquire your carrier, here are some things you can do to help your cat explore and begin to feel comfortable with it:
If your cat is not exploring the carrier after you've followed the tips above, place her food and water bowls just outside its entry, and start feeding her there. You may then inch the food bowl back into the carrier over the next week or two. However, be sure you don't do this too quickly and cause your cat to stop eating from stress. Only inch the bowl back into the carrier once she is reliably eating from it at each step, and if she appears upset at any time, move the bowls a bit further away from the carrier for a few days.
Once your cat has been going into the carrier and resting calmly for several sessions, you may proceed with the following steps:
You can use a clicker to enhance your training efforts when teaching your cat to enter and ride calmly in a carrier as well as for all other types of cat training. Visit "Clicker Training for Cats: An Overview" for information on how to clicker train your cat.
Sometimes you may need to transport your cat somewhere before she has been acclimated to the carrier. If this is the case, you can ease the stress of loading for both you and your cat by using the technique illustrated in "A Helpful Tip for Getting Your Cat into a Carrier."
If your cat vomits or is upset while riding in the car, even though she accepts getting into and being carried in the pet carrier calmly, you can follow the steps in the "desensitization" section of "Car Sickness in Cats" to help her.
If your cat has graduated from regular cat carrier training, you can move on to advanced training and introduce a verbal command for entering the carrier. You can use clicker training to accomplish this or just treats and praise.
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