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Why Cats Head Bump

cat_headbumpMany species, including cats and humans, enjoy friendly touch and use touching as a means of communication. One of cats’ more distinctive and delightful ways to express themselves with touch is head-bumping, also called head-butting, head-bonking, or (more officially) bunting. Cat behavior consultant and author Pam Johnson-Bennett explains this behavior well:

When [your cat] comes up to you, lowers his head, and seems to butt it gently (or sometimes not so gently) right in your face he may me doing what is referred to as bunting. This is a very affectionate behavior that is displayed only toward another companion animal or human family member. Bunting is a very respectful way that a cat shows affection.1

Bunting also leaves a “you’re in my club” scent mark on the “buntee.”

Some cats are quite enthusiastic with their bunting. You may occasionally get your eyeglasses knocked slightly askew, or be momentarily startled when your cat affectionately rams his head into your nose. Of course, that’s a very small price to pay for genuine kitty love.

When you come home and your cat trots over to greet you, you may want to kneel down and lower your head (and perhaps brace yourself) so your cat can execute a full head bump and give you a proper feline welcome.

Bunting is often the equivalent of a spirited “high five.” Or it can be a spontaneous expression of happiness or appreciation. At times it may mean much more, as in this anecdote:

Several years ago, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary had just completed construction of a new building for feral cats. The facility had all the amenities: skywalks, hiding places, scratching posts, soft beds, high perches, and screened-in porches. The construction took months and now the big day had arrived. A shelter volunteer let the first cat through the door to render judgment. The cat, a semi-feral, ventured a few steps, took a good look around, walked straight over to the volunteer and gave her a powerful head-bump to signify his approval. You could write a long thesis about the new feral cat building but it would not be nearly as eloquent as that one head-bump.

1Pam Johnson-Bennett, Starting From Sratch, the Penguin Group, 2007

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Comments (3)

  • avatar
    I wondered why my cat head bumps me all the time I always put my head down so he can head bump my head and not my face lol if I out my head down first he will then head bump me too so it works it's ways round
  • avatar
    4 of our 5 cats are former ferals. The most recent one we got, Peachy, was taken in by my husband's aunt, who was more of a dog person. She already had one cat, who was well advanced in years and thought this little wanderer would make a good companion. As it turned out, her German Shepherds were afraid of the cats, and Peachy was pretty aggressive with them. She had to keep them separated. When we moved to the area, we stayed with her for a year while we got back on our feet. We had 4 cats already, and while we were there her oldest cat passed away. She asked if we'd take Peachy since were obviously cat people. When we moved into our own house and Peachy discovered that she had the run of the house (and wasn't relegated to one room), she has been a chronic head bumper. As soon as we pick her up, BONK! As we pet her, BONK! Randomly jumps on my lap, BONK! She seems to be a very grateful kitty! I'm glad to read that this behavior isn't indicative of anything other than happiness.
  • avatar
    My cat will head bump me if I let him, I was just letting him and he head bumped me and I was curious why he does it all the time, this really helped me so thank you!
:D :) :( :0 :shock: :confused: 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:
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