Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your cat.

How to Have a Safe and Happy Valentine's Day with Your Cat

Cats like any day that you show them how much you love them. Learn how to make Valentine's Day with your cat safe and special.

Read more: How to Have a Safe and Happy Valentine's Day with Your Cat

October Hazards for Cats: A Seasonal Safety Guide

Stay aware of October hazards for your cat! Keep them safe from toxic treats, dangerous decorations, and seasonal stress.

Read more: October Hazards for Cats: A Seasonal Safety Guide

Best Holiday Gifts for Cats and Those Who Love Them

Decrease your holiday shopping time and stress by taking a look at our custom-built list of great gifts for cats and cat lovers.

Read more: Best Holiday Gifts for Cats and Those Who Love Them

5 Holiday Tips for Cats

Here are 5 holiday tips to keep your cat safe and your home in one piece.

Read more: 5 Holiday Tips for Cats

Build a Cat-Friendly Christmas Tree: VIDEO

Tired of trying to keep your cat off the Christmas tree? Build her a safe tree of her own!

Read more: Build a Cat-Friendly Christmas Tree: VIDEO

Cute Cats Enjoying July 4th: VIDEO

Cats can enjoy the 4th of July without the fireworks and parties. Watch kitties playing in this sweet video.

Read more: Cute Cats Enjoying July 4th: VIDEO

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