Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part Three
Here, we continue our four-part series exploring common misconceptions about cats. You can see the first two parts here: "Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part One" and "Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part Two."
Myth 10: Cats Get Fat and Lazy After Spaying or Neutering
Cats become overweight for the same reason we do; poor diet and lack of exercise. Provide your cat with Giving Your Cat Clean and Fresh Water, healthy food, exercise, and play time, and her weight will be normal.
Neutering prevents unwanted pregnancies and the death of unwanted cats of all ages. It’s as simple as that.
Myth 11: Female Cats Should Not Be Spayed Until They Have Had a Litter
This is simply not true. There is no benefit to a female cat having a litter prior to spaying. As a matter of fact, it is a health benefit to spay before they have a litter in order to extinguish the likelihood of life-threatening uterine infections.
Myth 12: Declawing Is Not Painful
Only if the amputation of the last bone on every one of your own toes and fingers is not considered painful during, shortly after, and long after the procedure.
Declawing is likely excruciating and in many instances, causes pain throughout the cat’s life, behavioral changes, and problems like inappropriate urination that often result in cats being surrendered to shelters, entered into the already overflowing foster care system, or simply being let loose outdoors to try to fend for themselves with no protection.
There are many humane alternatives to declawing, such as a scratching post like the Purrfect Post and vinyl claw caps such as Soft Paws.
Myth 13: Orange Cats Are Always Male
Orange cats are three times more likely to be male than female, which means that approximately 25% of orange cats are female.
The color orange is an inherited trait, and the gene for the orange color occurs on the X chromosome. Male cats have one X chromosome, so they will either be orange . . . or not.
Females have two X chromosomes. If one X carries the orange color, the other X may have another color and lead to a color other than orange or a non-solid orange.
Myth 14: A Cat Can't Catch Prey If You Put a Bell on His Collar
At first glance, this would appear to be logical. However, it has been concluded in recent research that cats that have bells on their collars may actually be better at catching their prey. It seems that these cats become proficient in proceeding without making a sound, are more sly and stealthy, and are more successful hunters. Learn more here: "Cat Collar Controversy."
Enjoy the last section of this series of articles here: "Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part Four."You May Also Like These Articles:
Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part One
Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part Two
Feline Myths and Misconceptions Part Four
Cat Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction
Giving Your Cat Clean and Fresh Water
Declawing Cats: Just Don\'t Do It
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