Cat-Inspired New Year's Resolutions

It's the time of year when many people start thinking about the changes they'd like to make in their lives. Some people even create lists of those things and call them New Year's resolutions.
This year, we think you should consider modeling your resolutions after the way cats live their lives. After all, they seem to have a pretty great philosophy.
Here are some resolutions you'll have on your list if you follow your kitty's lead.
Ignore Outside Influences
Cats aren't bothered with keeping up with the latest trends or gossip. They stay true to themselves and their own personalities. They don't care what people think of them. We could all take a page from their book and honor our own individuality, ignoring how others think we should behave.
Nap More
Cats nap a lot. And we think that's a great thing to put on a New Year's resolution list. Simply relaxing and getting a 20-minute power nap every so often can really go a long way toward lowering your stress and helping you stay focused. You might even be more productive if you take time for naps now and then.
Get Delighted with the Little Things
Cats can be happy all day inside a cardboard box. That's an excellent example for us about keeping things in our lives simpler and being grateful for what we have. We really can get by with a few simple pleasures.
If You Like Something, Stalk and Pounce
Cats don't hide their feelings. If they like something, they grab it. If there's something you want next year, get ready to stalk it relentlessly, pounce on it, and make it yours. Just like your cat would.
Be Appreciative
Cats always show their gratefulness when we do little things for them, like play a quick game with a wand toy, drop some kibble in their bowl, or scoop their litter box. Your cat probably rewards you with head bumps, snuggles, and purrs when you do these little things for her.
You can make showing your appreciation a resolution this year and emulate your cat. Pay attention to and notice the little things your co-workers and loved ones do for you, and let them know how much you appreciate it.
Be an Explorer
Cats are really great adventurers. They are curious and love to explore anything new that comes into their environment. If you've ever tried to open a package with your kitty around, you know how true this is.
Your cat doesn't let anything stop her quest to see what's going on everywhere in her territory. If that means she has to climb to the top of the refrigerator, she's ready, willing, and able.
If you put "be an explorer" on your resolution list, you can act just like your cat. Think of some things you always wanted to know more about or learn to do but never took the time. Make your own curiosity and learning a priority this year. It might enrich your life and expand your horizons.
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