Reduce Pet Scratching Damage While Traveling

Traveling with pets can be challenging. Sometimes they're scared of the car or get motion sickness. Other times, they might inadvertently damage hotel rooms, rentals, or hosts' homes with their claws. Soft Paws® can help! Fitting your pets with these vinyl nail caps prior to your trip can make things easier. Take a look at the article "Using Soft Paws® on the Go" to learn more.
Notice: Ask-a-Vet is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional about their pet's specific condition. Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. Then, you will be transferred to a human. There is a charge for the service if you choose to connect to a veterinarian. Ask-a-Vet is not manned by the staff or owners of, and the advice given should not delay or replace a visit to your veterinarian.