Cat Breed Comparison Chart
Adaptable | Grooming Needs* | Energy Level | Good with Kids | Good with Dogs | Good with other cats | Potential for Breed-related Health Problems*** | Affectionate with owner | Friendly with strangers | Size | Hardy (Outdoors-worthy?)**** | |
Persians | 4/4 | 4/4 | 1/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 0/4 |
Exotic Shorthairs | 4/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 0/4 |
Maine Coon | 4/4 | 1/4 | 3/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 |
Ragdoll | 2/4 | 2/4 | 1/4 | 4/4** | 2/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 1/4 |
British Shorthair | 4/4 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 |
Abyssinian | 2/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 3/4 | 1/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 |
American Shorthair | 4/4 | 1/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 1/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 4/4 |
Sphynx | 3/4 | 2/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 3/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 3/4 | 2/4 | 0/4 |
Siamese | 3/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 2/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 1/4 |
Devon Rex | 4/4 | 1/4 | 3/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 1/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 | 2/4 | 0/4 |

This chart is intended as general information only. Each individual cat may have a personality or health concern that does not align with the generalizations here.
*This chart refers to grooming needs outside of those that are required as basics for every cat: weekly brushing, keeping the nails trimmed, brushing the teeth, and cleaning the ears when needed.
**The Ragdoll is good with children because members of this breed are very patient and don't fight handling. Children should be supervised to ensure that they are not taking advantage of the Ragdoll's docile nature by being too rough.
***This chart refers to common health conditions found at an increased frequency in the breed when compared to the general cat population. All cats need general health care such as spay/neuter surgery, routine check-ups, and possibly vaccines and preventative medications as recommended by your veterinarian.
****All cats are safest indoors. Regardless of how well their bodies can handle changes in weather, they are all vulnerable to being hit by cars, being attacked by other animals, or contracting potentially fatal illnesses.
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