Bengals: An Interview with Fancy Cat

Fancy is's resident product tester and nap-taker. Sometimes, she gets a burst of energy, and that's when we put her to work interviewing members of other cat breeds. Today, she interviewed Ben the Bengal. Here's the transcript of their conversation.
Fancy: Hi there, Ben. It was kind of you to travel to our office for a visit today. Thanks for coming to me—I'm not fond of car rides very much.
Ben: Sure thing, Fancy. I don't love getting in the cat carrier either, but it's worth it for an adventure.
Fancy: So, tell me a little bit about your breed. What's the basic personality of a Bengal?
Ben: We are highly energetic. And demanding. So, if a human isn't going to hang out with us and play a lot, they really shouldn't get a Bengal. You know, because I can figure out how to open cupboards, and I can and will get into a great deal of mischief if I get bored.
Fancy: Oh, well, that's excellent information for the humans to know. So, do you not like humans?
Ben: We love them. We love them so much we'll do whatever we can to get their attention. Which means if they don't give it to us through play and interaction, we'll seize it by being a bit naughty.
Fancy: Duly noted. Anything else?
Ben: Bengals are one type of cat that really loves to climb and sit in high places. If you're going to have a Bengal, you need lots of tall scratching posts, and don't be surprised to find us on top of the fridge or at the tippy-to of the bookshelf. You'll need to make sure there's plenty of high-up real estate in your home for us. We're pretty smart, too, so if you like training cats to do tricks, a Bengal is a good breed to try. Positive training methods only, though, of course.
Fancy: I interviewed Spots, an Ocicat. The two of you look a lot alike. Are your breeds related?
Ben: No. Bengals are a mix between domestic shorthairs and Asian Leopard cats. The idea was to create a wild-looking cat that's small and domesticated. Ocicats are a mix between Abyssinians, American shorthairs, and Siamese.
Fancy: How interesting. Are there any health conditions common in Bengals that the humans should be aware of?

Ben: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is more common in Bengals than other breeds, and some people think we're more prone to being affected by FIP. There are DNA tests that Bengal breeders should do to keep PKD out of their lines, so people should ask their Bengal breeder about that. But otherwise, we're pretty easy to take care of. Tooth-brushing and weekly fur brushing along with routine claw trimmings are necessary. Plus, like all cats, we need to visit the vet regularly.
Fancy: It sounds like your breed has lots of great qualities, as long as humans know you need plenty of stimulation. Thank you for visiting today. It's naptime for me—care to join in?
Ben: Nope. I see a huge scratching post over there. I want to climb it and check out the view if you don't mind.
Fancy: Help yourself. I'll see you in a few hours.
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