What Is the Best Type of Cat Litter?

If you have cats, litter box duty is something you have to think about. While it might seem like an easy thing, there are so many types of litter available now that it can be confusing to know what to choose.
And if you don't pick something your cat likes, you run the risk of him developing litter box aversion and inappropriate elimination.
Types of Cat Litter Available
There are a huge variety of litter brands and types out there. Here are some of the most common types of litter:
- Clay clumping. Usually made from bentonite, clumping clay litter is easy to clean up and most cats like this type of litter. Unfortunately, it isn't biodegradable, is heavy, and creates a lot of dust. Also, note that you may not wish to use clumping litter for kittens.
- Clay non-clumping. These types of litter are made from clays other than bentonite. They are not as easy to clean and require more frequent and diligent cleaning because they don't form into nice scoopable clumps.
- Crystals. This type of litter is usually made of silica. They often control odor better and last longer than clay litter. However, they're more expensive, and they are dangerous if a cat ingests too much of them when they're cleaning their paws.
- Corn, wheat, and pine. Litters made from recycled corn, wheat, and pine are all available. They usually don't clump up but are mostly low or no dust, and the great thing is that they're biodegradable. If a cat has a food allergy to any of these ingredients, however, he may develop a reaction when this litter is used because cats always ingest some litter while grooming. An exception to the non-clumping nature of most of these types of litter is World's Best Cat Litter
, which is made from corn meal. It is naturally good smelling without being scented, doesn't create dust, and is biodegradable. It is not as dense as clay, so it is easier to scoop, as well. Because it is fine and clumps well, cats usually like World's Best Cat Litter as much as they do clay. Also, because of its tight-clumping ability, it is a long-lasting litter type.
Scented vs. Unscented Cat Litter
Many people like using scented litter because it helps keep the odors from urine and feces at bay. However, most cats don't like the scents, which can be quite strong from them while they're in the box and linger on the kitty's fur after he comes out.
So, most cats prefer a clumping, unscented litter like World's Best Cat Litter.
Test Your Cat's Litter Preferences
If you want to change your cat's litter or test to see what he likes best, provide multiple boxes for a short time. Keep one filled with the previous litter type, and fill the others with different types. It should become obvious to you fairly quickly which type your cat prefers.
If your cat is eliminating outside of the litter box and you've already had him checked over for a medical problem, providing multiple boxes with different litter types can help you determine whether litter aversion might be the problem.
Keep the Litter Box Clean
Regardless of which type of litter you choose for your cat, focusing on litter box cleanliness is a must.
Use a litter mat outside of the box to cut down on the litter and other stuff that gets tracked around your home.
Scoop the box at least twice a day (more if you have multiple cats), and empty it completely to wash with soap and water at least once a week.
Another way to ensure that the litter box stays nice and clean is to buy a self-cleaning model. Be sure to keep a regular box nearby at first, until you're sure your cat is accepting and using the automatic one.
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